Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Insights and Facts for being Chocoholics and its Advantages

Chocolates are really a kind of food that most people say as irresistibly sweet and delicious. Well, a huge part of chocolate aroma depends on its taste a rich and delicious chocolate which satisfies our desire and craving. But beyond that feeling, we don't know that chemical reactions are also working for the benefit of creating a good and satisfying taste. For example, we can feel a feeling of satisfaction and pleasurable sensation like the feeling of being satisfied after a long run or jogging n the field for several minutes.

Facts about chocolate are really much unreachable to produce a final statistic or data. Chocolate contains a so called neurotransmitter and a kind of substance known as serotonin. These compounds have an action similar to that of a Theobromine and Phenyethylamine that stimulates and works as an anti depressant. But the mere fact is still unknown for scientist to explain what and how these 300 compounds and substances can stimulate our body and gives a positive result in making us feel better and satisfied.

One thing that we are always concerned is a bad effect or being worried if there are any harmful substances that we may get from eating chocolate or for being one of the millions of chocoholics. A person who really loves chocolate is a lot worry to eat so much of it as to mention their need to lose weight and satisfying their craving would only lead to. Other worries would include rotting teeth to acne. However, through some good intentions of our scientist to prove something, their group and other group of researchers are beginning to unproved these theory and myths regarding this danger for loving and eating so much chocolate. For example it is not a fact that consuming chocolate is a threat to a healthy good teeth nor it is a false thought that eating this chocolate will only cause acne or even make it worse.

Even though both chocolate and cocoa contain sugar, they have a kind of antagonizing substance that tends to produce a kind of oral bacteria that will finally lead to a fear of having dental decay and any other dental problems associated to decays. According to a group of Researchers from the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, New York, they have concluded based on their studies that milk chocolate can contribute a component that fights against any form of tooth decay. Through its composition of a substance known as Phosphate and other minerals that fight and prevent tooth decays.

Chocolates are said not to be the consumed as this is not a healthy snack. Nevertheless, its components are essentially high in magnesium and potassium. Chocolate also gives several vitamins such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E. And if we mention about the calorie contents, a Nutritionist or even a Scientist can never claim that chocolate is a kind of diet food. But then, in a bar of chocolate, the average calorie is approximately 250 calories which far enough beyond level of a person on diet to suppress their craving. Some chocoholics wash the chocolate down with a glass of milk which really tastes good but researchers and scientists have studied that this could only prevent the antioxidants being absorbed or consumed by the body. It is advised that chocoholics must look for chocolates with nuts and/or orange peel, etc.  But not with caramel, nougat or other fillings since these flavored fillings are just adding fat and sugar that is not essential to the body anymore and these fillings only throws a lot of the benefits than can be obtain in chocolate eating.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chocolate Heaven: Discover The Hidden Treasures Of Chocolate

Nowadays there are so many different types of chocolate on the market, that we are literally ‘spoilt for choice’.

With so much publicity on what we should and should not eat, many people are turning to plain chocolate. Not only does plain chocolate have less sugar than other types, but it also contains a high proportion of cocoa solids. These are formed of pure chocolate and cocoa butter - a hard, white fat. The percentage of coca solids is always listed on the wrapper of the chocolate. Some percentages are as high as 75% or even higher, indicating the chocolate is exceptionally smooth and of high quality.

The most popular chocolate of all is milk chocolate. Most children adore it. Sweeter than plain chocolate it has extra sugar, full cream milk, and vanilla added to it.

Then there is white chocolate, which contains only cocoa butter, milk, sugar and vanilla. Because of the added milk, both this type of chocolate, and also milk chocolate, need to be melted with care over a gentle heat. Otherwise they will thicken, and although edible, will not re-melt.

Chocolate drops (or nibs, as they are sometimes called) are easy to melt. The can be used as a decoration on cakes or as an ingredient in the popular chocolate brownie cakes.

Some firms sell chocolate for use in a current favorite ‘chocolate fountains’. These make an eye-catching image for a special occasion, with the melted chocolate continually flowing like a colored waterfall – just ready for guests to dip marshmallows, strawberry’s and other small fruits, into the ‘fountain’. It is a good idea to have plenty napkins around to catch the drips!

Those who are diabetic often complain about how restricted their diet is, but at least they can have a piece of chocolate. Diabetic chocolate is on sale in various outlets, and has a lower percentage of sugar than other chocolate.

Apart from chocolates and bars of chocolate, we can also buy chocolate flakes, these contain both cocoa butter and vegetable oil. The butter adds flavor, and the oil helps to give the flake its crumbly consistency.

Some specialist shops sell blocks of cocoa butter. This can be melted, mixed with cocoa powder and used to paint sepia colored pictures onto cakes or plaques.

Vermicelli is yet way another type of chocolate. These tiny strands are used for coating truffles and cakes. Occasionally the name can becomes confused with Italian vermicelli - fine strands of pasta!

A current fashion is to decorate a wedding cake with curls of chocolate like tall rods standing around the sides of the cake. They can be home made but it is a time-consuming job and not easy to make them all a similar size. So it is a good idea to buy from a specialist shop, when they will all be an equal length and thickness.

Another type of coating which is bought by confectioners is known as Ganache. This mixture of cream and chocolate is very versatile. Melted and flooded over cakes, it is delicious to eat, and sets with a gloss. The higher the quality of the chocolate used, the greater the sheen on the coating.
Alternatively, it can be left to firm and piped.

Modelling chocolate another commodity which can either be bought or home-made. This consists of liquid glucose and chocolate. The glucose makes the paste pliable and easy to model - chocolate roses are particularly popular.

And finally, we come to a type of ‘so called chocolate’ which can cause confusion. Packaged under various headings it is often called Chocolate flavor cake covering, or chocolate flavoured coating. They all have one thing in common - although they contain cocoa powder, the cocoa butter has been extracted and replaced with vegetable fat, which is why the manufacturers cannot call it chocolate.

The addition of vegetable fat makes the ‘chocolate’ easier to melt and work with. But it has a drawback – because of the lack of cocoa butter it does not have the same eating quality as pure chocolate.